Bureau des responsables

Persons in charge
Admission (spectators) Isabelle Gingras igingras@tpwbsr.ca
Bar André Marois amarois@tpwbsr.ca
Transportation manager Jean-François Bédard jfbedard@tpwbsr.ca
Responsible Security & Events Manager Christian Pelletier cpelletier@tpwbsr.ca
Responsible fow welcoming teams Geneviève Bédard gbedard@tpwbsr.ca
Infrastructure and Logistics Manager Alain Beaudoin abeaudoin@tpwbsr.ca
Secretary and souvenirs responsible Marie-Eve Filteau mefilteau@tpwbsr.ca
Deputy Registrar Marie-Josée Proulx mjproulx@tpwbsr.ca