A heartbreaking decision for the International Pee-Wee B.S.R. tournament
1 October 2020

A heartbreaking decision for the International Pee-Wee B.S.R. tournament

Levis, October 1st 2020 – Due to the rise of cases in many Quebec regions and due to the uncertain situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizing comitee of the International Pee-Wee B.S.R. is announcing, with great deception, that the 46th edition of the event is going to be postponed. 

Indeed, despite weeks of reflection, considering that the safety and health of players, volunteers, parents, coaches and referees is at the center of the organization's priorities, it will unfortunately be impossible to hold the next edition, initially scheduled for February 2021. With the current health context in Quebec, while the province is facing its second wave, and with public health directives regarding the resumption of physical and sports activities indoors, the preparation and holding of a tournament of such size as the International Pee-Wee BSR would imply significant logistical challenges and major financial losses.

In addition, the participation of international teams that are more than a quarter of the usual registrations, is impossible to this date and will probably be for several months to come.  Also, in the phase 5 currently in place, Hockey Quebec does not allow tournaments to be held, which compromises the possible participation of teams from all over Quebec. While the federated organization wants to be able to move on to the 6th and final phase of its return-to-play protocol in mid-October, predictability to that end is difficult.  

“Obviously, the decision is heartbreaking, even moreso when you think of the young peewee level who, each year, live their dream in Lévis of playing in an international event. Although various possibilities have been considered in recent weeks, we have chosen to act today for the safety and health of all, in solidarity with what Quebec is currently experiencing as the epicenter of the pandemic in the country, in postponing our event to 2022 in a more secure context. », affirms Stéphanie Dumas, president of the tournament.

Source and information   

Anne-Hélène Couturier

Communications Director 

International Pee-Wee B.S.R.  


